The Cascade Server WYSIWYG Editor Toolbars
Top Row:
Insert Special Character: Brings up a menu with special characters, such as £, O, ©.
Apply Subscript: Applies subscript formatting to selected text. The red text in the following is subscript: C6H12O6
Apply Superscript: Applies superscript formatting to selected text. The red text in the following is superscript: a2+b2=c2
Bold: Applies bold formatting to highlighted text.
Italic: Applies italic formatting to highlighted text.
Underline: Underlines highlighted text.
Strikeout: Applies strikeout formatting to highlighted text.
Left Align: Aligns text to the left. (Not recommended.)
Center Align: Aligns text to the center. (Not recommended.)
Right Align: Aligns text to the right. (Not recommended.)
Full Align: Also known as "justify", aligns text to both the left and right margins, adding extra space between words as necessary. (Not recommended.)
Styles Dropdown Menu: Contains options for text formatting (such as email style and inline buttons).
Page Structure Dropdown Menu: Contains options for page formatting (such as paragraph, heading, etc.)
Bottom Row:
Copy: Copies text to the clipboard to be pasted later.
Cut: Removes text and adds it to the clipboard to be pasted later.
Paste: Pastes text from the clipboard.
Paste as Plain Text: Pastes texts from the clipboard and removes any formatting, such as font, bold, italics, and hyperlinks.
Find & Replace: Allows user to search for text and automatically replace it in the document.
Toggle Spellchecker: Turns on the spellchecker, which finds misspelled words. (We recommend spellchecking outside of the WCMS.)
Bulleted List: Applies bulleted list formatting to selected text.
Numbered List: Applies numbered list formatting to selected text.
Outdent: Decreases the indent level of the paragraph.
Indent: Increases the indent level of the paragraph.
Undo: Cancel or reverse the previous action (step backward).
Redo: Reverses the Undo action (step forward).
Create a Link: Allows user to specify an internal or external hyperlink from selected text.
Remove a Link: Allows user to remove hyperlink and leave plain text.
Insert/Edit Anchor: Creates a link to a specified section of the document.
Insert/Edit Image: Allows user to insert an image with an image URL.
Insert Emebedded Multimedia: Allows user to insert other media (such as a video or Flash object) with a URL. (Not recommended.)
Insert Horizontal Rule: Inserts a horizontal rule (a line that is printed above or below an element to set off that item from the remainder of the page or to improve the appearance of the page.)
Insert Table: Inserts a table for organizing content into rows and columns. (Not recommended. See More.)
Code Cleanup: Automatically searches for and deletes unnecessary excess code. (Not recommended.)
Remove Formatting: Removes text formatting, such as font, bold, and italics. (Not recommended.)
HTML View: Displays full HTML code of the document in order to manually edit the page formatting code.
Toggle Guidelines/Invisible Elements: Displays or hides page grids or invisible tables.
Toggle Fullscreen Mode: Displays the WYSIWYG in fullscreen.