Creating a Photo Essay
The Photo Essay chunk gives the user a stylized way to place multiple photos together in a single panel. There are several different styles and sizes for arranging groups of three photographs together. Users may also combine multiple Photo Essay chunks in a section to display several sets of three together. The Photo Essay chunk is unique in that it may be the only type of chunk in a section. For example, there may be two Photo Essay chunks in one section, but there may not be one Photo Essay chunk and one Text chunk.
Step 1: Scroll down to the Section category and click to expand it.
Step 2: Click the green [+] in the left top corner of the section to create a new section. *Note: It is not absolutely necessary to create a new section, however there may only be the Photo Essay chunk inside a section. There may be multiple Photo Essay chunks, however there should not be any other chunk types inside this section.
Step 3: Click to expand the chunk category (Section >> Column).
Step 4: Click to expand the chunk category (Section >> Column >> Chunk).
Step 5: Expand the Type menu, select Photo Essay.
Step 6: Enter the Chunk Header and Header Level in the corresponding fields. *Optional.
Step 7: From the Large Image Placement dropdown menu, choose between horizontal and vertical.
a) Choosing the horizontal option will arrange the three images with the large image spanning across the width of the other two images. The large image should be 1536 x 768 and the smaller images should be 768 x 768.
b) Choosing the vertical option will arrange the three images with the large image spanning across the height of the other two images. The large image should be 768 x 768 and the smaller images should be 768 x 384.
Step 8: The next field changes depending on step 7. It will either be Horizontal Image Placement or Vertical Image Placement.
a) If in step 7 the horizontal option was chosen, there will be two choices in the dropdown menu; top and bottom. Choosing top from this menu will arrange the large image spanning across the top of the width of the other two images, while choosing bottom will arrange the large image spanning across the bottom of the width of the other two images.
b) If in step 7 the vertical option was chosen, there will be two choices in the dropdown menu; right and left. Choosing right will arrange the large image to span across the right of the height of the other two images, while choosing left will arrange the large image spanning across the left of the height of the other two images. The small images should be 768 x 768 if the horizontal option was chosen from step 7 and 768 x 384 if the vertical option was chosen.
Step 9: Choose the large image file. The large image should be 1536 x 768 if the horizontal option was chosen from step 7, and 768 x 768 if the vertical option was chosen.
Step 10: Choose the first small image file. The small images should be 768 x 768 if the horizontal option was chosen from step 7 and 768 x 384 if the vertical option was chosen.
Step 11: Choose the second small image file. The small images should be 768 x 768 if the horizontal option was chosen from step 7 and 768 x 384 if the vertical option was chosen.
Step 12: In the Caption box, enter text that describes the full photo essay. It should summarize the first, second and third images.
Step 13: In the Attribution field, please enter the name and affiliation of the individual who took or published the image.
Step 14: Click on the Submit button.
Step 15: Remember to Publish the page once complete.